Multiple Consultant Report

FICM are introducing an additional assessment tool; the Multiple Consultant Report (MCR), to be piloted over the next 12-18 months. 

With the recent transition to the 2021 ICM Curriculum: Supporting Excellence, and the change to an outcomes-based approach to determining progression through specialist training, there is more of an onus on the Educational Supervisors (ESs) to make overarching, holistic judgements on whether the expected curriculum outcomes are being met at the relevant stage of training. To help support this decision making, the Curriculum Implementation Group have worked on producing a tool that seeks triangulating information from as many consultants as possible that the doctor has been working with.

Other Colleges have a similar approach. With input from educationalists, the FICM’s Multiple Consultant Report (MCR) Form has been refined to collect data that informs judgements on each of the 14 HiLLOs, whilst keeping it as concise as possible.

Expected workflow

  1. Before sending the MCR Form to consultants for feedback, Specialty Registrars (StRs) or ESs should complete the first four boxes (including their names and the ES's email address) so they know who they are evaluating and where to send their feedback. 
  2. The MCR Form should be sent by the local ES (or Clinical Supervisor (CS), if the ES is remote to the hospital) to all the consultants in the unit the StR is working at to minimise bias
  3. Completed MCR Forms should be emailed directly to the ES/CS for collation. This should be done in good time ahead of the ES needing to make HiLLO judgments and/or write an ESSR (or end of placement report in the case of a CS).
  4. The MCR Summary Report including a collation of all the consultant feedback received should be created by the ES (we would recommend you keep adding to an e-master copy until the feedback exercise is considered complete). 
  5. The ES will use the findings to help make their HiLLO judgements and write an ESSR (or for a CS to write an end of placement report).
  6. The final MCR Summary Report should be sent by the ES as a signed PDF copy to the StR, having first discussed it with them, so it can be uploaded to their LLP
  7. StRs should save the MCR Summary Report as a Personal Activity under the Activity Type ‘Consultant Feedback’ and link it to any relevant HiLLOs in the curriculum. They should ensure the Personal Activity is saved so that is visible on any future ESSRs. 

The FICM requests that the MCR is used by all regions as their means of obtaining triangulating consultant faculty views. FICM TAQ will be evaluating the pilot and refining the form and process over the next 12-18 months. If considered successful, the information gathered will inform a request to the GMC to add to FICM’s Assessment Strategy for the new curriculum, and subsequently the LLP ePortfolio.

Do you have any questions?

Please contact the Faculty.