Contact Details
- Address: Worthing Hospital, Lyndhurst Road, Worthing, BN11 2DH
- ICU Department Contact Details - 01903 285124
- Faculty Tutor Name: Dr Thomas Standley - thomas,
Unit Structure
- Number of Beds: 12
- Number of Admissions per year: Level 3: 348 Level 2: 313
- Percentage of Elective vs Emergency Admissions: 156 Elective, 505 Emergency
Overview of Case Mix within the Unit:
- Mixed medical / surgical unit providing intensive care to all specialities except cardiothoracics, burns, major plastics and specialist neuro. Acutely ill children are stabilised on site prior to tertiary paed centre retrieval.
- There is no split site working within this Unit
Research projects being undertaken within this Unit:
Overview of the staffing for the Unit (including medical, ACCP, AHPs)
Range of trainees (SpRs to IMTs) during day until 1800 hrs including at weekends, at least one long day / twilight trainee, 1 in 10 ITU trainee on call at night. No ACCPs. MDT team of physios, dieticians, SALT. Good retention of nursing staff. One unit technician. |
Training opportunities when working at this Unit:
- Training in point of care ultrasound
- Opportunity to attend theatre for airway experience
- Exposure to paediatric emergencies
- Interhospital transfers
- Opportunity to attend a Cardiac Catheterisation lab
- Acting up as an ICM Consultant (for Stage 3 trainees)
Departmental Teaching:
Details of clinical governance meeting days and/or M & M:
- Rolling whole day Clinical Governance days with Anaesthetics as per Trust organisation (6 days per annum). Monthly ITU M&M Meetings.
The medical specialties and subspecialties it is possible to complete within theTrust/Health Board:
- Stage 1: Emergency Medicine, Medicine & Anaesthesia
Other facilities:
- On site parking available, on call room with bed / toileting / wash facilities, access to microwave ovens to warm food overnight, good number of PC work stations on unit.