Discover ICM: Find your future career

Published 10/12/2021

Single CCT training

It has been possible to train exclusively in Intensive Care Medicine since 2012. The single CCT involves 3 stages:

In Stage 1 trainees will learn to diagnose and manage a wide range of problems both within and outside the Intensive Care Unit. This will involve an attachment of at least 12 months to a general ICU.

In Stage 2 you will not only consolidate the ICM training achieved in ST3 and ST4 but gain

experience in 3 major areas of specialist intensive care. It will also allow you to undertake a special study year to gain experience in a special skill directly relevant to ICM practice. The options here are incredibly varied and examples include advanced ultrasound, research, quality improvement and ECMO.

Stage 3 is the final year of training in which trainees progressively increase their level of

autonomy so that they are capable of becoming independent and leading the ICM MDT and planning patient care.

Further Guidance on the Curriculum for ICM can be found here.