There should be consideration to ensure that there are sufficient and balanced training opportunities for all doctors allocated to a unit at any one time.
Foundation Programme doctors
Foundation doctors form a valuable part of the Critical Care team. Rostering of this group varies between units but care should be taken that there are sufficient training opportunities for all the trainees allocated to the unit at any one time.
Stage 1 and Stage 2 doctors in training
These doctors should have sufficient patient contact to provide enough clinical experience. The case mix and numbers presenting to the unit is the main determinant of this; however, the daytime intensive care resident to patient ratio should not normally exceed 1:8. The ratio may need to be reduced if local arrangements dictate that the intensive care resident is expected to provide emergency care outside of the critical care unit (e.g. wards and emergency department). The night-time resident to patient ratio should not normally exceed 1:8.
Stage 3 doctors in training
Units of eight level 3 or fewer beds should have only one Stage 3 doctor rostered to be on duty at any one time, excluding handovers. They may be rostered to be on-call from home, which would allow additional opportunities for training appropriate to this level of training, but it is recognised that it is increasingly common for ICM to be delivered by consultants who are resident themselves.