ICM Curriculum

The new ICM Curriculum: Supporting Excellence was implemented on 4 August 2021 following approval by the GMC.

In this section you'll find updates on key documents, progress, dates, changes and how implementation will affect training. We're constantly updating this page as and when we're able to provide further information, so please check back regularly.

Assessment Forms

Please click here for a full range of ICM CCT Assessment Forms.


Assessment Strategy

The focus of the assessment strategy is to ensure that intensivists in training are able to demonstrate to the GMC that they can provide the public with safe and effective care that meets population needs throughout the nations of the United Kingdom. There is an emphasis on excellence in training and teaching throughout, with use of assessment to facilitate learning. Assessment should be carried out in a fair and consistent manner with equal access to the assessments available to all trainees.​

Assessment Guidance

This guidance describes the overarching programme of assessment for the 2021 Curriculum and introduces the key components of the new training programme in ICM. The programme of assessment defines both formative and summative elements of the new approach to assessment.

The ICM High Level Learning Outcomes (HiLLOs) & how they were developed

  • ICM High Level Learning Outcomes (HiLLOs) - HiLLOs form what used to be the domains in the 2010 ICM curriculum. They are broad categories of what Intensive Care Medicine Doctors do. There are different levels of attainment set for the HiLLOs at different stages of training.
  • Example of how the HiLLOs were developed from the 2010 curriculum using HiLLO5 as an exemplar - to follow the development process, start with the 'Explanatory notes' tab and work your way through the separate tabs until you come to the 'HiLLO5 final' tab 
  • ICM HiLLO competency mapping from 2010 curriculum - spreadsheet demonstrating where all of the 2010 competencies are included in the new ICM HiLLOs

Other useful resources

A collation of relevant educational materials from the peer reviewed publications, national guidelines (both UK and international), e-learning websites, Royal College audit guidelines, and online webinars. These resources have been mapped to broad sections of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) Curriculum for a CCT in Anaesthetics and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) curriculum for a CCT in Intensive Care Medicine. The council of NACCS aims to support education in neuro-anaesthesia and intensive care in the UK and this resource is aimed at supporting the UK specialty training programmes. This resource has been approved by both the RCoA and the FFICM. However, it should be recognised that this mapping is approximate and that resources may not exhaustively cover all relevant material within each subsection. Click here to review the resouces on their website.

Have questions about the curriculum?

Please contact us.