Curriculum updates log

The standalone CCT in Intensive Care Medicine curriculum was approved by the GMC in 2011, followed by a round of national recruitment and trainees starting the ICM programme in August 2012.  The following is a list of updates made to the CCT manuals since that initial approval in 2011.

2021 Curriculum updates

All notations in this section relate to the new 2021 ICM curriculum, which replaced the previous 2010 curriculum (and its various updates, below) on 4 August 2021.

Version number Date issued Summary of changes
1.0 August 2021 Original publication – the date of August 2021 is kept on the publication at GMC request for all subsequent versions, to make clear the date of curriculum implementation.
1.1 October 2021 Updated references to dual CCTs programmes to include the approved triple CCTs of ICM with Internal Medicine and one of Acute Internal Medicine, Respiratory Medicine or Renal Medicine.


2010 Curriculum - 2019 update

Update  Ref 

1. Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM) Exam changes

In 2018, RCEM updated their examinations so we have updated our entry requirements to reflect this. The changes occur on the following pages of the curriculum:

Part I - 13, 36

Part II - 29

Part IV - 4

2. Reflection of Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine being recognised as an official subspecialty of ICM

Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine was officially approved as a recognised subspecialty of Intensive Care Medicine in 2018 by the GMC. We are therefore updating the ICM CCT to reflect this approved change. The changes occur on the following pages of the curriculum: 

Part I - 15, 16, 17

Part II - 25

Part V - 41, 42, 60

3. New GDPR legislation

On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaced the previous Data Protection Act. References to the Data Protection Act have therefore been updated to reflect this. The changes occur on the following pages of the curriculum:

Part I - 43


2010 Curriculum - 2017 update

Update  Ref
1. Anaesthetics curricula update: changing 'basic' to 'core'

Part I-  11, 14

Part IV -  2, 43, 47, 48, 50,

Part V-  9, 43

2. Quality Improvement Projects replacing audits 

Part I 1- 8,  40, 42, 46

Part II - 9, 14, 18, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 38, 41

Part 3 - III 5, 9, 71, 74, 75, 77, 80, 81

Part IV - 2, 14, 25

22, 46, 56, 61

3. Removal of Expanded case summaries

Part I - 34, 37, 38

Part II-  27, 29, 30


2010 Curriculum - 2016 update

Update Ref
1. Incorporate new Education SSY module V 55
2. Minor edits to Academic Research SSY module V 11
3. ‘Delivery of the single Intensive Care Medicine curriculum and assessment  system’ has been removed I iii
4. The reference to the 18 month rule for starting a second specialty has been removed as this is no longer valid. I 26
5. Out of hours commitments) has been updated to reflect the change in trainee working patterns from on-call rota's to shift work I 41
6. Trainees in difficulty has been updated to include a reference to emotional resilience training  
7. An expansion within Domain 12 relating to physical/mental health IV 79


2010 Curriculum - 2015 update

Update Ref
1. Incorporate new Home Ventilation SSY module V-22
2. To clarify the clinical skills time undertaken as part of the Academic Research SSY module V-11
3. To clarify the role of ACCE accreditation in the previously approved Echo SSY module V-18


2010 Curriculum - 2014 update

Update Ref
1. Update design to reflect RCPCH now eighth trustee college of the FICM Cover pages throughout
2. Update to reflect new edition of GMC’s Good Medical Practice. I-7
3. Update to reflect new core competencies produced by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges on drugs and alcohol. Part III, throughout
4. Terminology update to reflect new LETBs as well as deaneries.

Part I, throughout

Part V

5. Run-through Emergency Medicine training – competencies achieved during this training are acceptable for entry into ICM CCT. I-12
6. Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine – PHEM is now a sub-specialty of ICM and open to competitive entry for ICM trainees.  This update details the requirements for entry to the PHEM programme and directs trainees  to the appropriate resources. I-14 – I-16
7. ICM ePortfolio – update to reflect that this now exists for use by trainee (to be rolled out for August 2014 intake). I-43

Assessment System – numerous updates to assessment guidance to reflect feedback from trainers and trainees since v1.0 was published.  These include:

  • Part I section 5 more explicit explanation of the assessment ethos of the ICM CCT
  • Part I secton 5 on Examinations rewritten to reflect the now fully developed and implemented FFICM Final Examination.
  • Part I section 5 revised guidance on the amount of WPBAs required to measure progression. 
  • Part II updated with new outcome paperwork to better assist trainees in recording their progress.
  • Part II updated with revised ARCP Decision Aids and training Stage checklists to make the requirements clearer.
  • Part II Training Progression Grid updated for CAT entry levels to come into line with revision of Annex F of The CCT in Anaesthetics, updated following joint working group between RCoA and FICM.

Part I, I-30 – I-39

Part II, throughout

9. Special Skills Year – a new section of the curriculum (Part V) produced to clarify the competencies and learning objectives for the Special Skills module within Stage 2 ICM.  Several possible modules have been produced and will operate based on local capacity and deliverability.  Regions are not obliged to run every possible module. It is expected that Dual CCTs trainees will spend their SSY training in their partner specialty.

Part I, I-9

Part V, in entirety

10. Equality and Diversity – updated to reflect the new Equality Act of 2010, which replaces many previously disparate pieces of legislation, to emphasise the need to consider the impact of actions upon the social groups with protected characteristics, and to provide links to further learning resources for trainers and trainees. I-51