
We were approaching the end of April. We had just come through a CQC inspection, COVID was in full swing on our 13 bedded unit, running 3 times our capacity having spilled out into our main theatres, anaesthetic rooms and recovery.

Written by: Som Sarkar
Post graduate exams are hard. They have a huge impact on the candidate’s life. It can be difficult to put the rest of your life on hold for 3 months to focus on revision, but this is unfortunately necessary.

Written by: Matt Bromley
Nine things you didn’t know you wanted to know about Vancomycin….

Written by: Pete Hersey
Preparation for the Final FFICM was tough and consumed much of my free time for several months.

Written by: Bhaskar Narayan
Back at the start of the year, we all watched the news with curiosity about a place called Wuhan, and a new coronavirus that was ravaging the city. We continued to watch with further interest as it made its way towards Europe.

Written by Dr Sarah Marsh
International Medical Graduates (IMGs) account for approximately 25% of the current UK trainee doctor workforce and are predominantly of black Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds.

Written by: Shashi Chandrashekaraiah, Sushruth Raghunath, Avinash Jha, Arif Akbar, Ikenga Samuel & Mohammed Elshamy