9.5 Monitoring and targeting mean arterial pressure

Published 06/06/2024

Quality improvement methodology

Process map the management of blood pressure during a patient’s journey from acceptance of referral to discharge from ICU:

  • What ICU capacity is available and what happens when demand exceeds capacity?
  • Which health care workers are involved with admissions?
  • Who sets the MAP target and when?
  • Who inserts the appropriate monitoring and are there delays in this process?
  • What medication is used to achieve a certain blood pressure and how is this provided, made up and prescribed?
  • What measures are in place to ensure that recordings are accurate and reproducible?
  • Is further training required in the use of ultrasound, management of central and arterial line?
  • Is availability of equipment, such as ultrasound, optimal?
  • Is a peripheral vasoconstrictor appropriate if MAP target unlikely to be achieved within two hours?

Run charts may be helpful to visualise progress with compliance over time:

  • Are critical care nurses able to adjust inotropes?
  • What is the locally agreed policy for confirmation of central line insertion?
  • Is a chest x-ray required prior to starting inotropes? Are there delays in achieving this?