Academic Training in ICM

Published 20/01/2023

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. There are no academic doctors in training in my region – how can I find out more information about academic training locally?

A good place to start would be to contact the integrated academic training programme lead for your region. They are there to help and although may not be  specialty specific they would be able to point you in the right direction: .

Another point of contact is the critical care lead for your NIHR Local Clinical Research Network. As well as this your FICM Regional Advisor will be able to point you in the right direction: .


  1. Can I start an ACF before I am eligible for the ICM training programme? Where can I find out more about ACF programmes in critical care?

Yes  - a good place to start would be to contact the integrated academic training programme lead for your region. . They are there to help and although not specialty specific they would be able to point you in the right direction. 

Whilst not yet available in all regions this approach has been successfully adopted in a number of regions including  West Midlands and Thames Valley.  


  1. I haven't got any experience in academia but I want to get involved by delivering a study on my unit.  How do I find out what studies are available and what do I need to do?

A good place to start would be to contact the critical care lead for your NIHR Local Clinical Research Network. They will be aware of where the NIHR studies in critical care are running in your region.


  1. Do I have to do a PhD to be involved in research?

No, a PhD is not a pre-requisite for to be involved in research.


  1. If I get an academic job, how will it affect my CCT?

In an integrated academic post the period of academic research is integrated with the clinical component and the appropriate proportion of these periods would normally be designated prospectively. It is accepted practice to count periods of research in an integrated academic programme towards any time-based requirement for the associated clinical CCT.  When undertaking time out of programme in research (OOPR) up  to a year of your time in research can count towards your CCT. Your TPD is best placed to advise you on this aspect of your training. 


  1. Can I do full time academia without any clinical work?

Yes – and when it’s time for your return to training there are a number of initiatives to help you through this process.


  1. I didn't do an academic foundation job - does that matter?

Although an academic  foundation programme will help you to decide if an academic career is for you, this is not mandatory.


  1. How do I fit postgraduate exams around academic training?

Your TPD or your local faculty tutor is a good person to speak to about timing of the FFICM.


  1. How late is too late to join academic training?

It’s never too late to get involved in research studies! Contact the critical care lead for your NIHR Local Clinical Research Network to find out how to get started:

And it may well still be worth contacting the integrated academic training programme lead for your region. They are there to help and although not specialty-specific, they would be able to point you in the right direction.