Onboarding for the ICM CCT Programme

Congratulations! Welcome to the ICM programme

This page contains useful information for doctors that have been appointed to the ICM CCT training programme and includes how to complete your registration with the Faculty. 

Please read the FICM Guidance document for new starters first before you start to complete your ICM CCT Registration Form.
National Training Numbers (NTNs)

The Faculty cannot provide you with an NTN, these are issued by your local Health Education England (HEE) Office/Statutory Education Board. Please contact them regarding this. You can leave this field in the registration form blank until you know your NTN. However, when you are issued with an NTN, please send it to us (contact@ficm.ac.uk) so we can update your training record.


Register as a FICM Intensivist in Training

In order to have access to the ICM ePortfolio (FICM LLP) you will need to register with the Faculty.

PARTS 1, 2 & 3
  • All fields must be completed
  • Training Year – this means, CT1, CT2, ST1, ST2
  • Post – either Full Time or Part Time. If the latter, then please provide your percentage of Less Than Full Time working in the box 
  • Place – the name of the hospital you did your training
  • Start and Finish dates – please provide full dates (dd/mm/yyyy) for your posts as instructed
  • Input all your ICM training and partner specialty placements 
  • We will accept typed names

For contact details of ICM RAs and Training Programme Directors (TPDs) please contact us.

Obtaining countersignatures 

We would ideally like your registration form to be signed by your ICM RA and TPD. However, we appreciate you might struggle to obtain these signatures in the run up to starting your post. If you can obtain at least one of the signatures that will be sufficient to process your form.

Rights and Privileges of FICM Intensivists in Training

Trainee membership confers the following rights and privileges:

  • to be nominated for election to be the Trainee Representative of the Faculty
  • to vote in Faculty elections for the Trainee Representative of the Faculty
  • to receive copies of the Faculty newsletter
  • to attend available Faculty events
  • to benefit from the arrangements organised by the Faculty for participating in training and assessment
  • receiving the TOTUM PRO card. If you would like to register for this please email contact@ficm.ac.uk

Please note that there are no post nominals associated with trainee membership of the Faculty.

Registration Fees

Click here for the subscription rate for FICM's Intensivist in Training membership. Anaesthetists in Training paying an annual training fee to the Royal College of Anaesthetists will have their subscription date (either April or October) alternated with their College payment.  All other applicants will have a subscription date dependent on when their application form is received. 

Subscriptions last from the billing dates of April to April and October to October and are not time limited depending on the financial year. 


Progression in combined training programmes

Updated May 2021

Doctors in ICM dual or triple CCT Programmes take longer to complete their training than they would do if they were training in just one of the specialties. It has come to our attention there is some confusion around establishing the training year for our doctors following a dual CCT programme with a partner specialty.

In counting the years of training, it is agreed that the training years start at admission to the first specialty training programme, and years are added linearly as they are completed irrespective of the responsibility levels reached in the individual specialties, assuming that satisfactory outcomes have been achieved.

The training year at entry (ST3/ST4 etc.) needs to be determined by the Training Programme Director. Due to the different entry routes, trainees may have covered varying amounts of the ICM curriculum prior to appointment, and so would enter at a different point; for example, a doctor from an ACCS core training programme may be appointed at ST4 instead of ST3 level to account for previous experience.

There may be doctors that fall outside of this guidance due to having a complex training history. Where possible, we endeavour to incorporate all relevant prior medical training onto our programme to avoid any unnecessary prolongation of training.

If there are any questions regarding a particular doctor’s training history, we are always happy to help clarify. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ready to register?

Please send us your completed form.