Intensive Care Sustainability Recipe Book

Published 10/04/2024

The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, University of Brighton, Intensive Care Society, and UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance are thrilled to announce that our joint application for funding from SBRI Healthcare and the Accelerated Access Collaborative has been successful.  

Funding will support production of ‘The Intensive Care Sustainability Recipe Book’ – a ‘how to’ manual of sustainable intensive care practice: the carbon footprint of all elements of our work, and how these can be reduced. It represents a big step towards greener ICU practice.

The project will be hosted by the University of Brighton, with significant contribution from the Faculty, the Society and the Alliance, and support from a large group of advisors working in critical care all over the UK. It will include supporting a Research Fellow in Sustainable Intensive Care in the development of the Recipe Book.

The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine Vice Dean, Dr Jack Parry-Jones said "To meet UK NHS net zero targets we must move from policies to actions. FICM are very pleased to work with the ICS sustainability group the University of Brighton and the UKCCNA, with funding by SRBI, in developing a 'Recipe Book' for sustainability in critical care. This should provide a means for all of us in critical care units to play our part in sustainable care for our patients, their relatives and our staff's future".

Work on the project will begin this April, with The Recipe Book planned for release in February 2025.

In the meantime, you can contact us with any questions, or if you’d like to get involved with the project, at


An exciting new role for a sustainability fellow

To help with completion of the project the University is recruiting for a Sustainability Fellow! The successful applicant will be supervised by Heather Baid, Principal Lecturer at the University of Brighton.

The role will be full-time over 9 months and is open to staff of any profession in intensive care. The Sustainability Fellow will lead on producing the Intensive Care Sustainability Recipe Book, measuring the carbon footprint of various activities under the guidance of the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, and cataloguing the carbon savings we can make. Intensive care experience is a must, but carbon footprinting training will be available.

If you’re interested in the role and would like to have an informal conversation enquiries can be made directly to Heather at

Find out more about the role here.