Closing statement of the Faculty, Association of Anaesthetists and RCoA to Module 3 of the Covid-19 Inquiry
The latest news from the ninth week of Module 3 hearings for the Covid-19 UK Public Inquiry
The latest news from the eighth week of Module 3 hearings for the Covid-19 UK Public Inquiry
The latest news from the seventh week of Module 3 hearings for the Covid-19 UK Public Inquiry
The latest news from the sixth week of Module 3 hearings for the Covid-19 UK Public Inquiry
From the 2024/2025 application window onwards, you will now be able to apply for ICM ST at the same time as applying for specialty training in any of its GMC-approved partner specialties.
Details about the elected candidates from the 2024 FICM Board Election
The latest news from the fifth week of Module 3 hearings for the Covid-19 UK Public Inquiry
On the 8 October Dr Daniele Bryden, Dean of FICM and co-opted member of the RCoA Council, gave oral evidence to the Inquiry on behalf of our three organisations
The latest news from the fourth week of Module 3 hearings for the Covid-19 UK Public Inquiry