
Those of you familiar using social media may have seen #thisiswhatascientistlookslike, which aims to highlight the diversity of the people working in science, and break down the stereotypes many of us have regarding scientists.

Written by: Prof Charlotte Summers
I’ve written a blog on implicit gender bias for WICM, focusing on the problems female doctors can face as a result of the implicit bias that doctor = man...

Written by: Dr Rosie Baruah
Whilst revising for the Final FFICM viva, I found myself rather frustrated with the lack of suitable material to assist and direct my revision. I promised myself (perhaps rather foolishly) that, should I pass the FFICM on my first attempt, I would make it my mission to publish an SOE revision text book.

Written by: Dr Kate Flavin
After two amazing years at Southampton Neuro ICU and 50,000 miles on the clock, I am moving back to London to be closer to my girls. Thinking about succession planning for my post has allowed me to enthuse to the Wessex ICM trainees about how rewarding my job has been here.

Written by Dr Manni Wariach
It is probably not an exaggeration to say that social media was a lifeline for me whilst on maternity leave.

Written by Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden
There is increased awareness amongst the medical royal colleges of the challenges of returning to work after a long period away, and the need for this to be a structured, managed process.

Written by: Dr Rosie Baruah