FFICM Examination Regulations

Published 19/12/2022

6. Eligibility (Final)

6.1       A person is eligible to enter the MCQ paper who:

6.1.1    is eligible for full registration with the General Medical Council (United Kingdom). Anyone who is currently suspended by the GMC cannot take the exam.

6.1.2    has passed any of the following examinations:

  • FRCA Final
  • FRCA Primary
  • MRCP (UK)
  • EDIC
  • MRCEM Primary (replaced the FRCEM Primary and MCEM Part A), MRCEM SBA (replaced the MRCEM Intermediate SBA, FRCEM Intermediate SAQ and MCEM Part B), MRCEM OSCE (replaced the MCEM Part C).1 FRCEM SBA (replaced the FRCEM Final SAQ), FRCEM OSCE (replaced the FRCEM Final Clinical).2
1Candidates must pass all 3 of the above or their equivalents to be awarded Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MRCEM) – the exams must be passed in this order.
2Candidates must pass both of the above exams or their equivalents to be awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FRCEM) – the exams can be passed in either order.
  • Or any of the exemption qualifications listed in the regulations of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

6.1.3    satisfies the requirements of these Regulations with regard to application procedures and other matters;

6.1.4    Satisfies ONE of the following regulations: DOCTOR IN TRAINING: A doctor in training currently registered with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine as a trainee in a Deanery approved training post on a GMC approved training programme in Intensive Care Medicine (either as part of a Single, Dual or Joint programme), who has commenced ICM ST3 training or above.

Please Note: the standard of the final FFICM exam is that of end of Stage 2 training and trainees must be in Stage 2 ICM training to be eligible to appear for the oral components. AFFILIATE FELLOW: A trainee doctor who is currently registered with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine as an Affiliate fellow in a Deanery approved training post on a GMC approved training programme in a specialty of one of the Faculty’s parent Colleges. MEMBER (MFICM) & ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP

  • A doctor that has completed one year of ICM (Whole Time Equivalent (WTE)) in the UK prior to the date of the examination applied for. These 12 months of ICM should be continuous or in blocks of at least 6 months with a maximum of 7 months in between. NB: Any period where a doctor is working in ICM AND another specialty cannot be included. This is prorated for applicants working LTFT e.g. 2 years of ICM would be required for someone working 50% LTFT; AND
  • is registered with the Faculty; AND
  • holds a satisfactory appraisal FORMER TRAINEE DOCTOR: A doctor who is currently registered with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and is a former UK ICM trainee who left ICM training no more than five years before the published start date of the sitting applied for. MEDICAL TRAINING INITIATIVE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME (MTI IP):

  • A doctor who is currently registered with the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and is sponsored under the MTI IP; and been employed in Intensive Care Medicine in a NHS post for six months immediately prior to the date of the examination applied for and holds a satisfactory NHS appraisal.
  • A doctor who has completed their MTI sponsorship and during their sponsorship passed one or more components of the FFICM, will be allowed to sit outstanding component(s) for one further year, measured from the completion date of their sponsorship providing they remain eligible in all other respects. No further adjustments to eligibility will be made after the extended period has elapsed.

6.2       A person is eligible to enter the OSCE and/or SOE who:

6.2.1    is eligible to enter the MCQ as prescribed in regulation 6.1. AND;

6.2.2    has passed the MCQ within three calendar years on the closing date for applications, excluding any extenuating circumstances that may affect applications within this three-year period eg periods of maternity/paternity/adoption leave, serious illness, educational needs due to neurodiverse conditions*. For candidates who work or train on a less than full time basis, the time shall be calculated on a whole-time-equivalent basis

*please note that this is not an exhaustive list


6.2.3    if a trainee, has commenced Stage 2 ICM training by the date of the oral examination.

6.3       A person shall not be eligible to enter the MCQ or OSCE and/or SOE who has already  attempted and failed the component(s) six times.