FFICM Examination Regulations

Published 19/12/2022

8. Special Arrangements

8.1       Pregnancy.  Regulations 8.2 to 8.3 apply only to female candidates whose pregnancy or pregnancy-related illness, or condition renders them unable to attend the examination. These Regulations do not apply to any other situations. This special treatment in relation to female candidates is permitted under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975.

8.2       Any prospective candidate should notify the Faculty via the College Examinations Department as soon as possible of the fact of their pregnancy and the expected week of confinement.  Such details should, where possible, be attached to the appropriate application form and fee. 

8.3       A prospective candidate at the time of their online application must submit an appropriate medical certificate or official doctor’s letter which satisfies the Faculty if:

8.3.1    she has any pregnancy-related problems or illness; or

8.3.2    her confinement is due shortly before or around the date of the examination; or

8.3.3    her condition gives her sufficient discomfort for her to consider that it will have a detrimental effect upon her performance.

8.3.4    A special arrangement in respect to exam adjustment is requested, (see Appendix 4).

8.4       In such circumstances, should such a candidate be unable to sit for the examination, withdrawal will be permitted and the examination fee will be refunded (subject to a deduction for administrative expenses if applicable (14 day rule applies).

8.5       A candidate who does not inform the Examinations Department of her pregnancy will not normally be allowed to withdraw her application after the closing date without forfeiting her examination fee.  However, when the pregnancy is diagnosed after submitting an application but prior to the examination, and the candidate is subsequently unable to attend for the examination, due to pregnancy-related reasons. Then upon submission of an appropriate medical certificate or confirmation from a Faculty Tutor or Regional Advisor in Intensive Care Medicine, which satisfies the Faculty, the candidate may withdraw from the examination and the fee will be refunded (subject to a deduction for administrative expenses, if applicable 14-day rule applies).

8.6       Disability and reasonable adjustment to examination conditions:  The Faculty is committed to ensure that all candidates have equal opportunity to demonstrate their ability in all FFICM examinations and will make reasonable adjustments to examination arrangements as appropriate for individual disabled candidates.  Please refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Policy for further information.

8.7       Temporary medical conditions The Faculty will consider special arrangements in the form of ‘reasonable adjustments’ for candidates who have a temporary, ongoing or fluctuating medical condition that does not meet the definition of a disability as set out in the Equality Act 2010 but does affect a candidate’s ability to take a planned sitting of an examination. Please refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Policy for further information.