9.8 Sedation, scoring and management on critical care

Published 07/06/2024

Best practice

  • To develop a multidisciplinary, structured approach for managing sedation and analgesia in the ICU.
  • Perform patient assessment and optimise the ICU environment.
  • Regularly perform and document structured patient evaluation and monitoring.
  • All sedated patients should have a daily sedation plan and Richmond Agitation Sedation Score target.
  • Select analgesic and sedative medications based upon individualised needs, drug allergies, organ dysfunction( hepatic/renal dysfunction), need for rapid onset and offset of action, anticipated duration of therapy and prior response to therapy.
  • Titrate analgesic and sedative drugs to a define target, using the lowest effective dose.
  • Implement a structured strategy to avoid accumulation of medications/metabolites: use scheduled interruptions or intermittent dosing of analgesic and sedative drugs.
  • Recognise and take steps to ameliorate analgesic and sedative drug withdrawal during de-escalation of therapy.