Guidance for Training Units

Published 22/02/2022

Additional Considerations


It is recognised that some units are critical care units i.e. a flexible mix of ICU and HDU patients. In these situations the average level 3 occupancy should be related to bed numbers. Similarly many units have adjacent ICU and HDU facilities, covered by the same medical staff. Here a similar calculation could be applied. Geographically separate units, for example separated by several floors or considerable horizontal distance of more than a few yards should not be normally regarded as one unit.


As a general principle, consideration should be given to the needs of doctors in training on units where other Allied Health Professionals (e.g. ACCPs) work in a medical role or are being trained. ACCPs may contribute to supporting the education of trainees new to ICM, eg Foundation doctors, but units may need to be mindful of the similar needs of trainee ACCPs and all doctors training in ICM and so should plan their rotas and work patterns accordingly.

Overlaps in medical and ACCP rostering should be at the discretion of the RA for ICM to consider if the training needs of both groups are able to be met.

Special Skills modules

For Stage 2 single CCT trainees who are completing their ‘special skills' module, the requirement for being rostered only to a critical care unit does not apply. They should be rostered as appropriate for acquisition of their specialist skill. However, these trainees must be rostered to clinical work to help maintain critical care skills during this year; each Special Skills Year stipulates the recommended minimum proportion of time this should be.

Partner specialties

Where Dual CCTs trainees gain competences and training time towards the ICM programme while in their partner specialty, care should be taken to ensure they have adequate exposure within the overall programme to meet the required ICM competency.