Regular signposted educational activity directed to learners’ needs should be provided under the guidance of the Faculty Tutor. Such a programme of education should relate to the literature and practice of ICM as well as relevant applied basic sciences. Time to attend teaching should be incorporated into the doctor in training’s work schedule such that the time is protected. In smaller units teaching may be arranged in collaboration with other units. Doctors in Stage 2 should participate in the delivery of this teaching and advanced Stage 3 doctors should be encouraged to take an active part in their design.
A postgraduate education programme should be in place within the region for specialty ICM trainees with the aim of facilitating preparation for the written and oral components of the FFICM exam. Training units should contribute to regional programmes by releasing doctors in training to attend and by contributing to the design and/or delivery of the programme.
Stage 3 doctors should be given enhanced clinical responsibility such as conducting ward rounds with an appropriate level of consultant supervision.
There must be regular clinical governance, and morbidity and mortality meetings that are attended by both consultant and non-consultant grade doctors. Stage 3 doctors in training should be encouraged to attend and participate in regular management meetings. It is appropriate for stage 3 trainees to attend the Regional Intensive Care Training Committee meetings.
HEE Study leave policy, to attend intensive care-related courses and conferences must be adhered to, to support curricular and PDP requirements.