Guidance for Training Units

Published 22/02/2022

Initial Planning


Formal, consultant-led departmental induction to the unit must include:

  • Instructions on how to raise patient safety concerns
  • Instructions on how to raise issues of bullying and undermining
  • Introduction to key members of medical, nursing, allied professional and operational support staff
  • Highlighting key departmental guidelines and how to access all departmental guidelines
  • Explanation and distribution of the doctor’s rostered work pattern, and their roles and responsibilities when rostered to work both during the daytime and out of hours.
  • Arrangements for access to all IT systems, including passwords, provision of identification badges and tutorials

Personal development plan

Following an appropriate unit induction, an educational contract and bespoke personal development plan should be agreed between the trainee and Educational Supervisor / Faculty Tutor (FT) as specified by current FICM standards and WPBA will be carried out according to the current recommendations.

ICM doctors in training must be given the time and opportunity to achieve the objectives set out in this plan. It is good practice for an initial meeting with the FT (and where necessary additional meetings with other facilitators of other relevant aspects of training, such as the regional Training Programme Director or Regional Advisor) to take place well in advance to help plan aspects of training, such as periods of attachment and facilitation of audit or research projects.