FICM Learner - Step-by-Step Guide

Published 14/12/2021

Working with Personal Development Plans (PDPs)

In the portfolio, a PDP is like a folder of goals (the portfolio uses the terms goals and objectives interchangeably), so you may want to only have one PDP per post.

To add a Personal Development Plan

  • From the ‘Development’ box on the homepage, select ‘Personal Development Plan’
  • Click ‘Create new PDP’
  • Complete the form and click ‘Create PDP’

The PDP now appears on the PDP homepage, and is ready for goals to be added.

To add a new goal

  • Click the name of your PDP
  • Select ‘Add new goal’
  • Complete the form

You then have two options – save goal or set goal:

  • ‘Save goal’ means a goal can still be edited/deleted but it won’t be visible to your ES
  • ‘Set goal’ means a goal can no longer be edited and is visible to your ES

You can add as many goals and they do not have to all be entered at the same time.

To record a goal as complete

  • Select the goal (must previously have been ‘set’ rather than just ‘saved’)
  • Complete the form, add any supporting evidence you want to, and select ‘mark goal as complete’