FICM Learner - Step-by-Step Guide

Published 14/12/2021

Working with a Multi-Source Feedback (MSF)

From the development box on the homepage, select ‘Multi-Source Feedback’

  • Select ‘Create new MSF’
  • Complete the form
  • Select ‘Create MSF’

The Faculty recommends that Multi-Source Feedback occurs, with a minimum of 12-15 respondents (of which at least 4 should be senior permanent medical staff).

To add participants registered with the LLP

  • Select ‘add new participants’
  • You can search by name, but also the portfolio highlights recent assessors, the faculty tutor and your ES for ease
  • Once you have added everyone you want to, select ‘add these participants to MSF’.

Guest participants are people who are not registered users on the LLP.

Ideally search and add all your participants before you move onto selecting any ‘guest participants’.

To add guest participants

  • Select ‘add new guest participants’
  • Complete the form on the next screen, noting that ‘type’ means job role e.g. outreach nurse, HCA etc. The GMC/NMC/Reference box is optional.
  • You can add more rows if required by clicking ‘add another row’
  • Once you have added everyone select ‘add guest participants’
  • Guest participants appear on the MSF participant list with a ‘G’ next to their name

Opening an MSF (sending invites)

As soon as you have added one participant the MSF can be opened by selecting ‘open MSF and send invites’

Adding participants to an open MSF

  • Select the MSF you want to add participants to from the MSF homepage
  • Select ‘add new participants’ or ‘add new guest participants’ as above
  • When you’ve added all the participants, select ‘send invites’. 

Checking the progress of an MSF

  • Select the MSF you want to work with from the MSF homepage
  • Scroll down to the MSF overview section, where you can see how many invites have been sent and how many participants have completed the assessment(s)
  • If there are any invites that have not been sent you can see that here too. If there are any, select ‘send invites’.

Sending reminders to participants

  • Select the MSF you want to work with from the MSF homepage
  • If it has been more than 2 weeks since an invite has been sent and a response has not been received, an option to send a reminder is available to select from the participant list.

Closing an MSF

You can close an MSF at any point after one participant has completed the assessment:

  • Select the MSF you want to work with from the MSF homepage
  • Scroll down and select ‘request closure’

On the MSF homepage, the status of the MSF will change from ‘open’ to ‘closure requested’.

Viewing a completed MSF

Once your completed MSF has been approved by your ES, the status of the MSF will change from ‘closure requested’ to ‘complete’.

Select the MSF you want to view from the MSF homepage.